Aarhus Universitetsforlag

The Nordic World

The Nordic World Series is copublished by Aarhus University Press and the University of Wisconsin Press.

The Nordic World er en engelsksproget serie fra Aarhus Universitetsforlag, som udgives i samarbejde med amerikanske University of Wisconsin Press. I serien undersøger topforskere fra universiteter og andre vidensmiljøer i Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Island regionens historie, kultur og værdier. Hver titel i serien fokuserer på et grundlæggende element ved Nordens samfund, og tilsammen giver de en unik indsigt i Nordens samfundsmæssige struktur.

Future titles:

Consensual Policy-Making in the Nordic World by Peter Munk Christiansen

Energy in the Nordic World by Mogens Rüdiger & Anna Åberg

Democratization in the Nordic World by David Delfs Erbo Andersen

Folklore in the Nordic World by Thomas A. DuBois

Social Trust in the Nordic World by Gert Tinggaard Svendsen & Christian Bjørnskov

Anti-Corruption in the Nordic World by Mette Frisk Jensen


The Nordic World podcast series is a companion piece to the book series of the same name copublished by Aarhus University Press and University og Wisconsin Press. Dive into the nordic world to uncover its secrets along with top thinkers from universities and other establishes research environments in the Nordic countries. Host Andrew Davidson interviews the authors about their books and of course the subjects. What is it that makes the people of the Nordic countries so trusting, so happy, so equal? Listen and find out.

The Nordic World podcast series is produced by Videnslyd.




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